Just wanted to introduce myself to the site. I've been checking it out for a while now and it looks like there are some great ideas shared along with all the usual BS.

Not sure how often I will contribute, but I'll throw some bio info out there. I've been a falconer pretty steady for the past 20 years. Grew up flying RT's on the east coast and moved to CO after college to fly longwings and enjoy the open spaces. I flew longwings for a few years until the crowding of the city made it pretty much impossible to do properly. Currently I'm flying an intermewed passage tiercel Harris in a cast with a chamber raised female. I also have a reasonably well trained English Setter to round out the hawking team. I've moved out of town so I am looking forward to getting a new g/p hybrid this season and to get back with the longwings.

I look forward to continuing to enjoy everyones prospectives and contribute when I've got something relevent to say.